New website coming
this spring!
Nature at Home: Videos For Kids
Nature at Home: Activities For Kids
Acorn Target Practice
Make a target and collect natural items from outside or things from around the house to use for target practice!
Click here.
Map Your Habitat
Maps are an important resource, for helping us find our way and for helping us know where important landmarks or resources are located.
Click here.
Forest Bingo
Plan a hike, a walk around the block, or just find a window with a view of the outdoors. Make a customized bingo card with things you might see!
Click here.
Make a Sound Map
Find a spot to sit, either outside or by an open window. Close your eyes and listen for 5 whole minutes. How many different sounds can you hear?
Click here.
Make a Nature Journal
Get to nature whether you are adventuring in your back yard, your neighborhood, or your local park
or forest.
Click here.
Make a Nest
Is today is a cold, wet, blustery day? The kind of day that makes you want to snuggle up inside and get cozy? Try your hand at building a nest!
Click here.