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New website coming
this spring!
February 6 - Intro to iMapInvasives: Using Technology to Track Invasive Species with Addison Kubik
You are invited to join Addison Kubik of Capital Region PRISM to learn about using the iMapInvasives mapping tool to report invasive species sightings. This online training will be an introduction to setting up and getting started with the iMapInvasives app on your mobile device. This is the first event in a two-part community science volunteer opportunity. Learn more
February 8 - Protecting the Land: Using iMapInvasives to Survey for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid with Addison Kubik
You are invited to join Addison Kubik of Capital Region PRISM for a morning at Albert Family Community Forest to identify and monitor Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) using the iMapInvasives mobile app (iMapApp). Participants will learn HWA survey protocols, how to recognize infestations, and collect data to be submitted on iMapApp. Learn more
February 20 - Developing a Relationship with Place with Cara Benson
What does it mean to be a human in relationship with nature, especially at a time when the natural world is under extreme duress? What does the land need from us? And what do we need from “it”? Does the land, as Robin Wall Kimmerer says, love us back? Join writer Cara Benson for a talk that will be part storytelling, part instigation, part contemplation. Learn more
March 15 - Volunteer Workday with HTL Wildlife Committee
You are invited to join the HTL Wildlife Committee for a volunteer workday at HTL's Moon Hill Preserve in Petersburgh. We will be cutting and removing saplings from existing meadows to create open spaces for grassland birds and other wildlife. The cut saplings will be used to build brush piles to create cover shelter for birds, small mammals, and reptiles. Learn more
April 1 - Nature Book Club with Rama Hamarneh
For April, we're reading Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard. In her first book, renowned forest ecologist Suzanne Simard invites us into her world, the intimate world of the trees, in which she brilliantly illuminates the fascinating and vital truths – that trees are not simply the source of timber or pulp, but are a complex, interdependent circle of life Learn more
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