New website coming
this spring!

Hunting season runs from October 1 to January 1.
Click here to learn how to stay safe while visiting RPA lands.
Women's Walk
with Rama Hamarneh
Saturday, November 11, 10am - 12pm
Poestenkill Community Forest
Averill Park, NY
This is a free event, but registration is required. To register, click on the link below. Registration for this event is capped at 20 participants. Registration will close on Thursday, November 9 at 3pm, or if the cap is reached.
About this outing
This free outing is to create a space for women to enjoy hiking and the outdoors. This walk is for you if you love to hike, but don't always have someone to go with, or if you'd like to be part of building a women-centered hiking community.
What to expect & what to bring
This outing will involve 2 hours of mostly on-trail walking. Bring water and snacks. Make sure to dress in warm layers and wear sturdy, warm, weather-appropriate footwear.
Transportation & questions
If you are interested in coming, but do not have access to transportation, or if you have questions about this outing, please contact Kim at kim@rensselaerplateau.org.​