Lands & Projects
The Plateau
The Rensselaer Plateau Alliance worked with the community to develop a Regional Con-servation Plan and three accompanying user guides for landowners, municipalities and organizations. Through this work, extensive ecological information was collected to create maps and GIS data.
A community forest is a community-managed forested area that provides benefits to the local community, such as timber harvest management training, educational programs for adults and children, and recreational opportunities. With great support from the community, Rensselaer Plateau Alliance has developed two community forests, one in Poestenkill and one in East Nassau.
Individuals landowners are key to long-term persistence of healthy forests on the Plateau. Through land conservation efforts and educational outreach, the RPA works towards helping landowners meet their various needs and goals in managing their lands.
The Rensselaer Plateau Regional Trails Vision will bring all plateau municipalities, landowners, recreation organizations, and the public together to create a vision for a future network of trails.
The Rensselaer Plateau Alliance has an ongoing commitment to provide quality workshops, sem-inars, lectures and educational woods walks to help educate landowners and the public.
The forests of the Rensselaer Plateau support a local forest economy which produces forest products such as hard and soft wood lumber, fire wood and maple syrup. You can support the benefits that forests provide and the local economy by buying local forest products.